2023 Drag & Parts Unlimited Update







MONSTER SUCKER AIR CLEANER KITS WITH COVER • Monster Sucker kit features Big Sucker “hidden breather” technology and more filter surface area for maximum performance •Hidden breathers are O-ringed at the heads and exit out the mouth of the throttle body to provide efficient engine breathing, eliminating the need for any external hoses or hardware •Filter features a built-in inverted top to pull in air not only from all sides of the filter but also from the front, which results in more performance-gaining airflow •Each filter is constructed from synthetic material that is water-resistant, which in most cases eliminates the need for a rain sock


• Filters are re-usable and do not require oil, just rinse and re-use •Kits include Arlen Ness forged billet covers •See page 668 of the 2023 Drag Specialties FatBook for the entire line of Arlen Ness Monster Sucker air cleaner kits with cover NOTE: Exempt per CARB Executive Order (E.O.) # D-639-10 for 2001-2022 EFI models only.




FOR 17-22 FLHT/​FLHR/​FLHX/​FLTRX/​FLTRU/​FLTRK/H-D FL TRIKE (EXCEPT MODELS W/ FAIRING LOWERS), 18-22 SOFTAILS 1010-2833 Drift, black w/ machined accents

$499.95 499.95 499.95 499.95

1010-2837 1010-2841 1010-2845 1010-2849

Drift, black

Drift, chrome

CrossFire, black w/ machined accents

BLUE part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM DISCLAIMER: NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. SEE PAGES 4-5 FOR IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. 60 499.95 FOR 08-16 FLHT/​FLHR/​FLHX/​FLTR AND H-D FL TRIKE (EXCEPT MODELS W/ FAIRING LOWERS) 16-17 SOFTAILS, 14-15 FLSTNSE, 13-14 FXSBSE, 11-12 FLSTSE, 16-17 FXDLS 1010-2834 Drift, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2838 Drift, black 499.95 1010-2842 Drift, chrome 499.95 1010-2846 CrossFire, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2850 CrossFire, black 499.95 FOR 01-17 TWIN CAM DELPHI EFI MODELS AND 99-06 TWIN CAM CV CARB MODELS (EXCEPT MODELS W/ FAIRING LOWERS AND 08-16 FLHT/​FLHR/​FLHX/​FLTR/H-D FL TRIKE, 16-17 SOFTAILS, 14-15 FLSTNSE, 13-14 FXSBSE, 11-12 FLSTSE, 16-17 FXDLS) 1010-2835 Drift, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2839 Drift, black 499.95 1010-2843 Drift, chrome 499.95 1010-2847 CrossFire, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2851 CrossFire, black 499.95 FOR 91-22 XL (EXCEPT 21-22 SPORTSTER S/R​ H1250S, 22 NIGHTSTER/​RH975) 1010-2836 1 Drift, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2840 1 Drift, black 499.95 1010-2844 1 Drift, chrome 499.95 1010-2848 1 CrossFire, black w/ machined accents 499.95 1010-2852 1 CrossFire, black 499.95 1 Will fit 88-90 models also; breather system is not applicable for these model years. 2023 | FATBOOK UPDATE CrossFire, black

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